


Gamtel offers co-location service to other operators/ISPs and institutions that would require our infrastructure. This is in the form of fibre infrastructure (open access), land space, towers/masts, equipment hosting etc.

These co-location facilities offer the customer a secure place to physically house their hardware and equipment, backup power generators and 24/7 security guard in all our sites.

Reasons to Co-Locate with Gamtel

  • Cost saving. Other operators/ Service Provider need not build their own infrastructure where it already exists.
  • Scarce capital and management attention can be diverted to key value-creating activities such as customer acquisition, service quality, operational and strategic excellence
  • The Cost to maintain in-house security guard to monitor site infrastructure/equipment will be avoided
  • Addresses regulatory pressure on infrastructure deployment
  • To reduce environmental hazards caused by having so many sites/masts
  • Increasing coverage to the potential client/public, particularly where space for new sites is limited
  • Access to locations of strategic importance by using the most economic and efficient means.
  • Reduced maintenance and operational costs for sites, such as direct saving in energy consumption
  • Build a long term symbiotic relationship  with our co-locator
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